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3月26日 POWER OF JAPAN / Featuring Japanese Speech Contest



日時:3月26日(土) 午前11時半~午後5時(飲食ブースは早めにクローズします)


・震災被災者への義援金箱設置 (在ラオス日本大使館を通じて日本赤十字社に寄付されます)


Arigatou [Thank you] to the people of Laos and the world for your great support

Japan not giving up against the earthquake and tsunami.

Come feel the Power of JAPAN
as the Japanese community in Laos
share their activities
Date: Sat 26th MAR 2011
Location: Vientiane Secondary School (Near Patouxay)
Open: 11:30 - 17:00

1. Song, dance and drama peformances by Japanese schools in Laos
- Japanese language course of NUOL
- LJI(Lao Japan Institute)
- Champa Japanese Language Center
- Tetchan-Net Training Center
- Tenri Japanese Language Center

2. Display and sale booths of local Japanese and other organizations
-Yokoso Japan (tourism)
-Action with Lao Children (NPO)
-ODOP (handicraft)
-JOCV in Laos
-Mekong Watch (NPO)
-SVC (Volunteer)
-LIDCO (handicraft)
-Happy Smile Tour
-CBC (sale of children’s clothes)
-Medical and Educational Supporting Organization for Asian Children (NPO)
-Momo books (sale of Japanese text books)

3. Food stalls by Japanese and other restaurants
-Fujiya Restaurant
-Osaka Hak Chao Restaurant
-Semakutei Restaurant
-Lin’s Cafe
-KYOTO Restaurant
-That Luang Cookie (C&A Bakery)
-Yo Fresh
-Spring Roll Shop

4. Collection of donations for victims of the earthquake and tsunami
Organized by 8th Japanese Speech Contest Executive Committee